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Electronic mail

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Create New E-Mail Accounts

We can help you select an email provider that works best with your organisation.

There are two options:

  • Use your website address in your email address e.g. (at a cost);
  • Use a free email provider such as Gmail e.g. (free).

Support with Existing E-Mail Accounts

Do you already have an email address or provider? We can help you navigate it such as:

  • Access your inbox from other devices;
  • Adding or downloading attachments;
  • Setting up a signature or automatic reply;
  • Email filing;
  • Setting up additional email addresses.
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    An image to depict time

    E-Mail Security

    Email security is incredibly important as anyone who has possession of an email account password can use the “forgotten password” feature to change other passwords and lock you out of everything. We can support you with creating and storing a secure password.

    To avoid sharing passwords within an organisation, we can help you set up shared mail boxes which will allow individual logins to access the same inbox.

    We can explain the dangers and signs of phishing and scams to help your volunteers avoid falling for them.


    If you have any questions about email that isn’t covered above, please get in touch as we may be able to help

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